2014年10月12日 星期日

SPD4459 The Little White Shoes 中區警署和監獄 Old Central Police Station Compound

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Hello everyone, we are going to look back the Old Central Police Station compound in this journal. 



近年來香港政府致力推廣保育和活化古蹟, 所以這些歷史建築群現正在活化,預計於2015年底重新開放。(圖1.2, 1.3)

The Police Station together with the former Central Magistracy and Victoria Prison form a group of historical architecture representing law and order in Hong Kong.(Image 1.1)

The Old central Police Station, which is the oldest structure within the compound is a barrack block built in 1864. Nowadays, the police station and prison are a Declared Monument in Hong Kong.It is a three-storey building constructed adjacent to Victoria Prison. A storey was later added to the block in 1905. In 1919, Headquarters Block facing Hollywood Road was constructed. 

The late-Victorian style building is notable for its red brick walls, granite features and the imposing columns in its entrance hall. The barracks blocks at the left of the main entrance to the Old Central Police Station were built in 1860 and 1913. These have impressive granite staircases and wrought-iron balconies.

In recent years, the Hong Kong Government is committed to the promotion of heritage conservation and revitalization, these historic buildings are being activated, is expected to re-open at the end of 2015. 


Built in 1841, Victoria Prison was understood to be the first western building constructed of durable material in Hong Kong. Most of the buildings within the compound were damaged by bombing during the Second World War. The Prison was reopened in 1946 after repairs.


目前,域多利監獄正進行活化工程, 於2015年底, 域多利監獄會以全新臉孔呈現在大家眼前, 密切期待。見(圖1.5)

NowadaysVictoria Prison activation works is conducting until the end of 2015, and will be presented with a new face to you guys, DON'T MISS IT. 

INFO Center:

地址: 香港島中環荷李活道十號
Address: Central Police Station Compound, Hollywood Road, Central



How to get there? 

MTR Central Station, Exit D1. Cross Wellington Street and Lyndhurst Terrace to Hollywood Road.

*Edited by Students of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations


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