2014年10月1日 星期三

First Time ! SPD4459The Little White Shoes

HI !SPD4459 The Little White Shoes


We are SPD4459The Little White Shoes. It is the first time to introduce a street in Central-Western District. Therefore, we would like to choose a street where is a very meaningful place than the others. To start our sharing, Here’s some photos about the street.Can you guess which street will you introduce yo you guys in the week ? 1..2..3..  

係啦! 就係荷李活道啦~ UM...荷李活道關唔關美國荷李活既事?荷李活道以前同現在有咩分別?歲月又如何改變了荷李活道?荷李活道有無留下歲月的足跡呢?接住呢幾日會圍繞住荷李活道為題,向各位介紹介紹!.

Oh, Yes ! Is Hollywood Road.I know that you have already had a lot of questions about this street. Therefore, in the next few days, we are going to share what we find in this old street as its heritage, landmark or features in there.
The first day, there are some history about Hollywood Road .we would like to share with you.

        Where and when?

A street in Central and Sheung Wan, on Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong. It was the second road to be built when the colony of Hong Kong was founded, after Queen's Road Central. It was the first to be completed.

        Is there anything related to USA Hollywood?

很多人以為荷李活道得名自美國加州電影生產地荷里活,然而道路名稱其實源自早年荷李活道一帶種植的冬青樹(Hollywood),因此名為 Hollywood Road,中文則音譯為荷李活道。這名稱出現時,美國的荷里活尚未出現。據香港歷史學者蕭國健則指,Holly 是指當時一帶生長的榕樹。

NO, actually, It was probably named by Sir John Francis Davis, the second Governor of Hong Kong, after his family home at Westbury-on-Trym, near Bristol, England.[1] Another origin mentioned for the name is that holly shrubs were growing in the area when the road was constructed. Such plants were not indigenous to the area and would have been imported.


        Is there any special stories and history about the heritage, landmark or features?

Um…買個關子先!接住呢幾日我地SPD4459The Little White Shoes就會為大家一一介紹。

Um , Stay patient! We will tell all we know about the street in next few days. Please follow us and the blog SPD4459The Little White Shoes. See you !

(以上資料resource from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_Road

*Edited by Yip Chin Wai, Students of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

3 則留言:

  1. Compelling content. Looking forward to knowing more, support!

  2. your blog is full of information!
    Very nice=]
