2014年10月2日 星期四

SPD4459 The Little White Shoes: A Historic Building, A New Creative industries Landmark - 「PMQ」(I)

SPD4459 The Little White Shoes!

舊建築,新搞作 -「PMQ 元創方」(上)

說到荷里活道,當然要重點推介由「前荷李活道已婚警察宿舍」活化而成的全新設計創意地標 PMQ 元創方」。 「元創方」是保育中環」的項目之一,經過兩年多的活化工程,於2014年正式開放,當中雲集過百位本地創作企業家,為大家帶來獨特的時裝飾物、時尚生活產品、食品、家具、珠寶及手錶、設計服務及設計廊等。另外,呢到亦設有餐廳、展覽場地及活動設施等。

HI, we are SPD4459 The Little White Shoes! In tern of the sharing of Hollywood Road PMQwhich is a new creative industries landmark, is necessary to be introduced. PMQis one of eight projects under ‘Conserving Central’ in which to transform the Former Hollywood Road Police Married Quarters into a creative industries landmark -PMQ. PMQhas started to operate since 2014, There are almost 100 design and creative enterprises are stationed in PMQ including variety creative design categories such as fashion accessories, food, furniture, jewelry and watches, design services and design galleries. Moreover, exhibition space and event facilities are also available.


PMQ provides almost 100 rooms where was reconstructed from residential units of Former Police Married Quarters. The design of it retained each terraces as well as old school style of green window that are representative for 1950s -1960s.

History of PMQ


1889: Central School (rename as Queen’s College) moved to Hollywood Road.
Source: www.pmq.com

1948年: 校舍全面拆卸,並改建為校舍全面拆卸,並改建為已婚警察宿舍。已婚警察宿舍。
1948: The school buildings were demolished for the construction of the Police Married Quarters.
Source: www.pmq.com

2010: The AMO rated the Former Hollywood Road Police Married Quarters as Grade 3 Historic Building in Hong Kong. The Secretary for Development announced that the Former Hollywood Road Police Married Quarters would be transformed into a creative industries landmark named “PMQ”.
2014:  The PMQ started to operate.


Source: www.pmq.com
If you are interest in exploring diversified historical and cultural background of PMQ, you can plan to visit Underground Interpretation Area Walk-in Tour and PMQ Heritage Interpretation Guided Tour. 
(More details: http://www.pmq.org.hk/heritage/guided-tour/)

PMQ 元創方」
開放時間: 700am – 11:pm
Source: http://yesmen.com.hk
穿過新紀元廣場至文咸東街,過馬路後左轉至威靈頓街, 前行(在蓮香樓前)右轉上鴨巴甸街再沿路直上



Sheung Wan Station Exit E2
Walk through Grand Millennium Plaza to Bonham Strand, cross over the zebra crossing and turn left, walk along Wellington Street (up to Lin Heung Tea House), turn right at Aberdeen Street to PMQ

Central Station Exit C
Turn left and walk along Des Voeux Road, turn left at Queen Victoria Street to the former Central Market and take the Central-Mid-Levels Escalator, turn right at Staunton Street and walk straight to PMQ

Hong Kong Station Exit E1
Exit International Finance Centre (IFC) and walk through the Central Elevated Walkway(footbridge) to Hang Seng Bank Headquarters and the former Central Market, take the Central-Mid-Levels Escalator, turn right at Staunton Street and walk straight to PMQ

We will introduce the more details of creative design studios and shops and other activities inPMQfor you guys! Please notice!

Editor: Lo Pui Man, student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations


2 則留言:

  1. Know much more about this place where I've not used to go. Compelling content, support!
