2014年9月29日 星期一

Today to Heritage (無論雨怎麼打,自由仍是會開花)

(SPD4459 The Little White Shoes)今天是一個特別的日子,對於香港,香港人,中西區及本網誌。

(攝影: 香港知專設計學院(HKDI)-Lee Yin Wai  JAKE )
這篇網誌是這網站成立以來第一篇網誌,對我們意義非常。所以在下筆之前,我反覆思量,我應一如早前的計劃向各位介紹中西區-荷李活道的歷史、地標、特色等等, 還是籍著今天‐--- 這個特別的日子向大家介紹一條更有意思,更切合我們小白鞋精神 (about me)的街道-夏慤道(Harcourt Road) (link to wikipedia),去看小白鞋精神, Central and Western District(中西區)heritage(繼承)。我不知我的伙伴們會否同意,但在紙筆之間豫疑良久後,決定一試。

「過去・現在・未來」的連結所産下的果我們稱之為文化遺産(heritage),我們每一天在香港每一條街道上行走和生活,現在寫下了過去,再日積越累築成文化和傳統,街道正正就肩負著一種被我們寫下的責任,就像一塊畫版,記載我們的生活。今天,平日只有車來車往的夏慤道(Harcourt Road),真實的看見,人們如何為一條街道寫下「它」的故事。

 (攝影: 香港知專設計學院(HKDI) - Lee Yin Wai  JAKE )
這天的夏慤道跟平日的不一樣了, 路上沒有了那一輛輛買不起的豪華房車,長長的車龍,混沌的廢氣 ;街道上一個又一個的香港人-他們懷著保衛我城的意志,努力不懈的向政府訴說他們的心聲,希望高高在上的他們能停一停・聽一聽。街道上有的人站著支持丶有的坐著支持、也有一些累了躺在友人身旁蓆地而睡的人,每個人都是平靜的。但就在某ー刹那,一切都變了,一個又一個了無人性的催涙彈在人群中爆開,街道上的人對突如其來的傷害,不但對自己安全感到害怕,更加對高高在上的他們,平日保護他們安全的人感到害怕。有一刻,就像   <<那夜凌晨,我坐上了旺角開往大埔的紅VAN>>的對白一樣---我們嘅城市,已經唔存在㗎啦...大家無謂再自己呃自己,話出面一切係正常。

(攝影: 香港知專設計學院(HKDI)- Lee Yin Wai  JAKE )
但正正因為這樣街道多了一份「香港情」,一份難得的情。夏慤道上的每人都盡自己的一點點綿力去幫助受了傷的人。物資,從一個又一個人的手上運到前線;關心,從一個又一個人的口中傳開;信念, 從一個又一個人的行動感染全港。就這樣留守的人又為香港抗爭了多一晩。

從來,歷史由人們寫下, 這天, 香港人為夏慤道寫下了一個充滿小白鞋精神的故事,而我深信這道路亦將會成會香港的一個heritage,因為它同時記下了我們如何為香港民主自由開拓一條新道路。在此網誌就不會評論整件事誰對誰錯,一切留待故事傳承之後,讓世人站在這heritage給予評價。

(ps : 本來其中的一個重點應要介紹一下夏慤道的歷史,但現在應該不是重點了吧!但有興趣的,還是可能看看 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A4%8F%E6%85%A4%E9%81%93)

*Edited by Yip Chin Wai, Students of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

2014年9月26日 星期五

SPD4459 The Little White Shoes - 中西區歷史 History of Central and Western District

(SPD4459 The Little White Shoes) 中西區是香港十八區之一,位於香港島西北部,香港開埠後最早發展的地區。中西區可以細分為中區(金鐘、中環和上環)、西區(西環、石塘咀和堅尼地城)和半山區(太平山和薄扶林)三個部份。現時區內摩天商廈臨立,不但成為香港的旅遊特色外,亦映射著香港在國際大舞台的地位。


The Central and Western District is one of the 18 administrative districts in Hong Kong and located on northern part of Hong Kong Island. The Central and Western District is also the earliest development district after opening the port of Hong Kong. It can be separated into 3 main parts which are central district (Admiralty, Central and SheungWan), Western (Western District, Shek Tong Tsui and Kennedy Town) and mid-levels district (Victoria Peak and Pokfulam).

Nowadays, in Central and Western District, there are lots of skyscrapers and you will be surrounded by them. These skyscrapers helped to showcase Hong Kong’s development to the world. On the other hand, Central and Western District is a place of history, culture and art fusion. The beauty of Central and Western District lies in its old and new, eastern and western cultural heritages, buildings and feature streets. For example: CFA building, the former Legislative Council Building, Pottinger Street, Bonham Street, and so on. These are the collective memories of HongKonger.

*Edited by Students of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

2014年9月24日 星期三

SPD4459 關於我們 About us - The Little White Shoes

(SPD4459 The Little White Shoes )我們是網絡市場學及公共關係的學生。此部落格名為 ”小白鞋。白鞋是指白飯魚,是香港人對白布鞋的俗稱。有些人認為白鞋全身白色,像兩條白飯魚,於是便給它這個別稱 。久而久之,大家都習慣叫白鞋做白飯魚了。




此部落格每星期會以不同街道作為主體 ,透過街道歷史、地標、特色,從不同角度欣賞中西區將中西區的古蹟歷史呈現大家眼前!

About us:

We are students of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations. This blog called “The Little White Shoes”. Hong Kong-ers named white shoes as a fish breed –Noodlefish (白飯魚) because it looks like it so this is why the nickname is given. Over time, everyone used to call white shoes as Noodlefish (白飯魚) and commonly known in Hong Kong.

In fashion perspective, white shoes are always viewed as an in-fashion item. In-fashion is an adjective that can be used to describe the Western-Central district adequately. Although Western-Central district was early developed, this district has remain its old-look and modern simultaneously after variety of activation and conservation projects.

The white shoes are definitely one of the collective memories among Hong Kong-ers. The white shoes reflect Hong Kong spirit abundantly especially in the period from the fifties to seventies. Therefore, we wish to introduce the Western-Central district to the new generation and tourists through “The Little White Shoes”.

We will use different streets as the weekly-topic and present the heritage of Western-Central district to you all through its history, landmark and features! 

*Edited by Students of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations