2014年10月16日 星期四

遊走都爹利街(煤氣燈街) 和域多利皇后街 (續)

SPD4459- The little white shoes


前身--廣州市場,位於皇后大道中與嘉咸街交界,為早年居於中環一帶的華人而開設,一直都係中西文化新舊交替嘅匯聚點 。 

1858年建成第一代中環街市。第二代中環街市原址重建,1895年落成, 屬維多利亞式房屋設計,樓高3層,中央設有塔式建築,並於1937年拆卸。這幢歷史建築係後期藝術裝飾主義衍生出來嘅一門風格,大樓嘅特色就係簡單嘅橫向線條以實用功能為主。中環街市於2003年3月停止運作。與同類建築灣仔街市同屬實用簡單的包浩斯風格建築物,香港日治時期期間曾改稱中央市場

曾有團體要求政府把街市列作歷史文物保障,但政府聲稱「已把整幢建築物各個部份拍照存檔,已經算把它保存」( 咁都講得出…)

The Central Market

The bazaar was established in 1842 on Queen's Road Central between Cochrane Street and Graham Street. In 1843 it was also known as the Middle Bazaar The market was then replaced by residential houses for Europeans. The bazaar was moved to Queensway, where the present-day High Court stands. In the 1850s, it was moved to its current location on Des Voeux Road (then known as The Praya). Its name also changed to Central Market.

Some organizations have been requested the Government to safeguard the markets classified as historical artifacts, but the government replied that: Archive pictures of each part of the whole building has already been counted save it (How ridiculous it is to have such reply)



有一條花崗石建造的石階,石階上那四盞香港僅存的煤氣街燈, 每晚6:00準時亮起,為這條寧靜小街, 輕輕抹上了一層柔和的淡黃,認真好有feel! 現仍由原為本港提供街道照明而開辦的香港中華煤氣公司繼續操作。

Duddell Street

Historic buildings Level: Monuments
Year built: 1875-1889

It was built in granite stone, and there are still have four remaining gas street lamps in Hong Kong on the stone steps , which lit every night at 6:00 on time, help in decorating the stone stairs with lightings, made people feel warm and cozy! The street lighting provider is still the Hong Kong and China gas Company offered to continue operating.

