2014年11月6日 星期四



Hong Kong is comprised of Chinese and Western religion and culture. In terms of Western religions, Christianity is most popular one in Hong Kong. in that case, do you know where is the most oldest  western style building located?
Haha,  St. John's Cathedral is that one locating in  Garden Road, Central.



As the oldest surviving Western ecclesiastical building in the city, its founding stone was laid by Governor Davis a mere six years after the British took possession of Hong Kong. The building you see today was completed in 1849 and extended in 1873. The cross-shaped structure was created in the styles of 13th century Early English and Decorated Gothic.


On Christmas morning in 1941, a dedicated congregation of 100 gathered for the cathedral’s last mass before Japanese shells rained upon the city. When Hong Kong fell, the cathedral was commandeered by the occupying forces and turned into a club. Many of its congregation were interred and services resumed when the war ended in 1945. In 1996, it was being a Declared Monuments. 


 時至今日,呢座坐落於香港商業中心點既座堂仍然保留著深厚既聖公宗傳統, 而且更將牧民工作伸延至社會既廣泛生活中。每逢星期一至五,座堂內都會舉辦聖餐崇拜和午間祈禱,相關既信仰講座課程歡迎大眾參輿。 另外,聖約翰座堂亦積極發外展事工以幫助本港不同有需要的人如輔導服務,家庭傭工支援中心,愛之家諮詢及教育中心以及外勞牧民中心。

Nowadays,  St John's Cathedral stands in the heart of the city's financial downtown district but  rooting in the traditions of Anglicanism and yet at the same time exercising ministries which reach out into the wider life of the community.  there are series activities comprise of Said Eucharist, sung Eucharist, Holy Eucharist and some relevant religious talks are for public. Besides, St John's Cathedral  has taking part in outreach ministries proactively lead to serve different needs in Hong Kong such as the Counselling service, Helpers for Domestic Helpers, HIV education Centre, The mission for Migrant Workers and the Nest. 


Moreover, because of the special style of the cross-shaped structure, there are vast of couples hold a wedding in St John's. Thus, you have to pre-book the service very early !!!  

Source: Photofans.com


whatever you are either christian or non-christian, you will love St John's as long as you love elder western architectural. 

查詢:+852 2523 4157

More information:

Address: 4-8 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong Island
Tel: +852 2523 4157

從港鐵中環站D1出口,沿畢打街前往皇后大道中,再沿皇后大道中右轉入 炮台里即至,行程約10分鐘。
於中環6號碼頭外的天星碼頭巴士站乘15C號巴士,至中環花園道山下纜車站, 沿花園道步行前往。

How to get there:
1. MTR Central Station Exit D1 and walk along Pedder Street to Queen's Road Central. Walk along Queen's Road Central to Battery Street.

2. Bus 15C from the lay-by outside Central Pier 6 to the Lower Peak Tram Terminus on Garden Road.

Editor: Lo Pui Man - Students of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

1. http://www.discoverhongkong.com/

2.  http://www.stjohnscathedral.org.hk/


